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PPG UPSI AMBILAN KHAS SEPT 2011 No.Matrik : D20111049395

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Factors of Plants and Animals Facing Extinction

Deforestation is the process of cutting down and removing trees for timber or to create open spaces for growing crops or animal farming. When humans clear the forests and cut the hills to build homes and other development projects such as factories, highways and farming, the environment is being changed to sit to human needs. When this happens, plants and trees that shelter the animals are being destroyed.

Human also pollute the environment by releasing the toxic gases and substances such as lead, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide into the air. The widespread use of agrochemical in agricultural sectors pollutes the soil and water. This kills many animals. Agrochemicals are compounds or substances that are used to protect crops from pests and to fertilize their growth.

Excessive and illegal hunting and killing or poaching of animals for their meat, skin and fur, eggs, horns and other animal products also contribute to the decline in the number of certain species.